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Monday, December 17, 2012

4. What action

2. You approach people and situations with a more proactive mindset,safeguard the toes basically.
3. You see loved ones with a fresh, new perspective,5819 Ugg Classic Cardy Grey Boots.
4. You have more physical, emotional, and spiritual energy.
5. You have more self-confidence.
6. You think, "I can conquer anything!"
Have you felt that a cloud' has been lifted and is allowing you to see your life with a new perspective? Do you approach this new perspective with fear or do you embrace it?
Consider these questions to see' or develop spring moments in your life:
1. What person or situation has been draining me for a while?
2. What have I done in the past to make this better?
3. What is still keeping me in the winter' mentality rather than seeing the spring season,reviewing and adjusting your Profit Plan on an ongoing basis so you can continuously and consistently build towards wealth and mi1lionaire status?
4. What action(s) am I willing to take to see this differently?
Growing is a part of living. Enjoy the growth spurts through each season of your life!

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